

Resolution of the Jasmine Revolution of China (DPC)

 Whereas on Feb 17, 2011, Chinese citizens started the Jasmine Revolution of China via internet, appealing for peaceful and rational assembly in 13 cities to make their, demonstrate their power, and raise their claims for well-being and democracy;
Whereas on Feb 20, 2011, Democratic Party of China National Committee supported the Jasmine Revolution of China by assembling at Times Square in New York concurrent with mainland China and Taiwan, and has continued the supportive activities in every ways; meanwhile, many party members spread the information in different ways, propelled and participated the revolution, and defended the revolution vigorously;
Whereas we agree with the starter of the Jasmine Revolution on the position of staggered propulsion of the revolution, consent to try the best to avoid head-on confrontation in the beginning, and softly and rationally appeal to all walks of life to participate;
Whereas democratic transitions of many nations, especially those of Tunis, Egypt and Libya, demonstrate that whichever method or path the transition takes, a powerful democratic opposition party is the key factor, without which power vacuum will emerge at the end of dictatorship or tyranny, and will make extremely difficult the construction and consolidation of democracy; Now, therefore, be it
Resolved by Democratic Party of China National Committee that --
1. We declare that we will take our stand as usual to support, drive and participate in the Jasmine Revolution of China started by the citizens, and will actively spread related news and defend it;
2. We will mobilize and organize all party members to devote in the Jasmine Revolution of China, take effective actions, and implement real work to drive the Jasmine Revolution of China;
3. We will at this important historical moment, as a responsible opposition party to dictatorship, and also as a responsible construction party to democracy, press on with our work, lay out a firm organizational foundation in China, enhance our reputation both in China and in international community, prepare for both peaceful involution and violent revolution, assume our responsibility at the last stage of the revolution, and make our proper contribution for the transition of democracy in China, for the end of one-party dictatorship, and for the construction of a democratic China.
Passed Democratic Party of China National Committee April 3rd, 2011.

